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Mastering Irish Essay Phrases for Leaving Certificate Success -Tips and Tricks for Achieving Success

Updated: Feb 17


Irish essay writing can be challenging for Leaving Certificate students, but mastering a few key phrases can make a big difference in your grade. In this blog post, we will cover some of the most commonly used Irish essay phrases that can help you to improve your writing and achieve success in your exams.

"Introductory Phrases"

• Tá sé seo i gceist: This is the topic at hand

• Tá sé tábhachtach a thabhairt faoi deara: It is important to note

• Is é an chaoi a ndéanann mé: The way I would go about

• Tá sé ábhar dúshlánach: It is a challenging subject

• Déanfaidh mé iarracht: I will attempt

"Transitional Phrases"

• Mar sin féin: Nevertheless

• Ar an gcaoi chéanna: In the same way

• Is é an fhírinne: The truth is

• I gcomparáid le: In comparison to

• Dá réir sin: Therefore

"Concluding Phrases"

• D'fhéadfadh sé a bheith: It could be argued

• Tá sé seo i gceist: This is the topic at hand

• Is é mo dhearbhú: My conclusion is

• Ar deireadh: In conclusion

• Tá sé éasca a fháil amach: It is easy to see

What are some useful Irish essay phrases for Leaving Cert students?

Commonly used Irish essay phrases include "Is é sin an fáth go bhfuil sé/sí" (that's why it is), "chun tosaigh" (to begin with), "faoi láthair" (at present), "mar shampla" (for example), and "i gcoinne an argóint seo" (against this argument).

What are some effective ways to incorporate Irish essay phrases into Leaving Cert essays?

To effectively use Irish essay phrases in your writing, try to use them in the context of an argument or point. Also, vary your usage of the phrases, don't overuse any one phrase, and use synonyms where possible. Try to use phrases in both the introduction and conclusion sections, as well as throughout the body of the essay.


By incorporating these commonly used Irish essay phrases into your writing, you can improve the structure and fluency of your essays. Practice using these phrases in your own writing and you will find that your essays will become more polished and effective. Remember to also focus on other important writing skills such as organization, clarity, and strong arguments. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve success in your Leaving Certificate exams.


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