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Leaving Certificate Irish Oral - Mé Féin agus Mo Theaghlach

Updated: 4 days ago

The Irish oral exam (Scrúdú Cainte) is a crucial part of the Leaving Cert Gaeilge exam, making up 40% of the overall marks. One of the most common and important topics is “Mé Féin agus Mo Theaghlach” (Myself and My Family). This article will guide you through this topic, providing useful phrases, vocabulary, and sample answers to help you succeed.

Tá an scrúdú béil Gaeilge thar a bheith tábhachtach don Ardteist, mar go mbaintear 40% de na marcanna iomlána amach ann. Ceann de na hábhair is coitianta agus is tábhachtaí ná “Mé Féin agus Mo Theaghlach”. Tabharfaidh an t-alt seo treoir duit, le frásaí, stór focal agus samplaí úsáideacha chun cabhrú leat.

  1. The Structure of the Oral Exam

    Struchtúr an Scrúdaithe Béil

The oral exam lasts 15 minutes and is divided into four sections:

  • • Fáiltiú (Introduction) – 1 minute (5 marks)

  • Léamh na Filíochta (Poetry Reading) – 2 minutes (35 marks)

  • Comhrá (Conversation) – 8 minutes (120 marks)

  • Sraith Pictiúr (Picture Sequence) – 4 minutes (80 marks)

Mairfidh an scrúdú béil 15 nóiméad agus tá sé roinnte ina cheithre chuid:

  • • Fáiltiú – 1 nóiméad (5 marc)

  • Léamh na Filíochta – 2 nóiméad (35 marc)

  • Comhrá – 8 nóiméad (120 marc)

  • Sraith Pictiúr – 4 nóiméad (80 marc)

The conversation section is the most important part, and “Mé Féin agus Mo Theaghlach” will definitely come up.

Is í an chuid comhrá an chuid is tábhachtaí, agus is cinnte go dtiocfaidh “Mé Féin agus Mo Theaghlach” suas.

  1. Talking About Yourself – Mé Féin

    Ag Caint Fúm Féin – Mé Féin

    • Cad is ainm duit? (What’s your name?) ___ is ainm dom. (My name is ___. )

    • Cén aois thú? (How old are you?) Tá mé ___ bliana d’aois. (I am ___ years old.)

    • Cén dath atá ar do chuid gruaige? (What colour is your hair?) Tá gruaig dhonn / fhionn / rua orm. (I have brown / blonde / red hair.)

    • Cén dath atá ar do shúile? (What colour are your eyes?) Tá súile gorma / glasa / donna agam. (I have blue / green / brown eyes.)

    • Cén sórt duine thú? (What kind of person are you?) Is duine cairdiúil agus spórtúil mé. (I am a friendly and sporty person.)

Useful Adjectives – Aidiachtaí Úsáideacha

  • Cairdiúil (Friendly)

  • Ciúin (Quiet)

  • Cliste (Smart)

  • Cneasta (Kind)

  • Gealgháireach (Cheerful)

  • Greannmhar (Funny)

  1. Talking About Your Family – Mo Theaghlach

    Ag Caint Faoi Mo Theaghlach

When discussing your family, use these key phrases:

Nuair atá tú ag caint faoi do theaghlach, bain úsáid as na frásaí seo:

  • Cé mhéad duine atá i do theaghlach? (How many people are in your family?) Tá cúigear i mo theaghlach. (There are five people in my family.)

  • An bhfuil deartháir nó deirfiúr agat? (Do you have a brother or sister?) Tá beirt deartháireacha agam agus níl aon deirfiúr agam. (I have two brothers and no sister.)

  • Cé hé/hí an duine is sine sa chlann? (Who is the oldest in the family?) Is é ___ an duine is sine. (___ is the oldest.)

  • Cé hé/hí an duine is óige? (Who is the youngest?) Is mise an duine is óige. (I am the youngest.)

  • Cad a dhéanann do thuismitheoirí? (What do your parents do?) Is múinteoir í mo mháthair agus is dochtúir é m’athair. (My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor.)

  1. Sample Answer – Freagra Samplach

    Sampla Freagra don Scrúdú Béil

Interviewer: Inis dom faoi do theaghlach. (Tell me about your family.)

Student: Tá cúigear i mo theaghlach – mo thuismitheoirí, mo bheirt deartháireacha agus mé féin. (There are five people in my family – my parents, my two brothers, and me.)

Is mise an duine is óige sa chlann. Tá mo dheartháir is sine fiche bliain d’aois agus tá sé ag staidéar bitheolaíochta i gColáiste Phádraig. Tá mo dheartháir eile cúig bliana déag d’aois agus tá sé sa tríú bliain ar scoil. (I am the youngest in the family. My oldest brother is twenty years old and is studying biology at St. Patrick’s College. My other brother is fifteen and is in third year in school.)

Réitím go maith le mo chlann, ach uaireanta bímid ag argóint faoi rudaí beaga, mar shampla an teilifís! (I get on well with my family, but sometimes we argue about small things, like the TV!)

  1. Practice Questions – Ceisteanna Cleachtaidh

    • Cad is ainm duit? (What’s your name?)

    • Cén aois thú? (How old are you?)

    • Inis dom faoi do theaghlach. (Tell me about your family.)

    • An bhfuil aon deartháir nó deirfiúr agat? (Do you have a brother or sister?)

    • Cén sórt duine thú? (What kind of person are you?)

    • Cad a dhéanann do thuismitheoirí? (What do your parents do?)

  2. Top Tips for the Oral Exam – Leideanna Barr don Scrúdú Béil

    • Cleachtaigh os ard gach lá – Abair do fhreagraí os ard chun muinín a thógáil.

      Practice aloud every day – Say your answers out loud to build confidence.

    • Bain úsáid as stór focal éagsúil – Cuir iontas ar an scrúdaitheoir le haidiachtaí agus frásaí éagsúla.

      Use varied vocabulary – Impress the examiner with different adjectives and phrases.

    • Seachain foghlaim de ghlanmheabhair – Foghlaim frásaí ach freagair go nádúrtha chun fuaim líofa a bheith agat.

      Avoid memorisation – Learn phrases but answer naturally to sound fluent.

    • Labhair go soiléir agus go mall – Ná brostaigh; tá an fhuaimniú ríthábhachtach.

      Speak clearly and slowly – Don’t rush; pronunciation is key.

    • Fan socair agus bí ag miongháire – Fágfaidh dearcadh dearfach tuiscint mhaith.

      Stay calm and smile – A positive attitude makes a good impression.


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