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Leaving Certificate Irish Oral Exam - Obair Dhian

Updated: 3 days ago

Tábhacht an Scrúdaithe Cainte sa Ghaeilge | Importance of the Oral Exam in Irish

Tá an scrúdú cainte ar cheann de na codanna is tábhachtaí den Ardteist Gaeilge. Déanann sé suas 40% den scrúdú iomlán, rud a thugann deis iontach duit marcanna arda a fháil trí ullmhúchán maith.

The oral exam is one of the most important parts of the Leaving Cert Irish exam. It accounts for 40% of the total grade, making it an excellent opportunity to secure high marks with proper preparation.

Struchtúr an Scrúdaithe Cainte | Structure of the Oral Exam

An bhfuil a fhios agat go bhfuil an scrúdú cainte 15 nóiméad ar fhad? Tá sé roinnte ina cheithre chuid:

Did you know that the oral exam lasts 15 minutes? It is divided into four sections:

  1. Fáiltiú | Introduction 1 nóiméad – 5 marc | 1 minute – 5 marks

  2. Léamh na Filíochta | Poetry Reading 2 nóiméad – 35 marc | 2 minutes – 35 marks

  3. Comhrá | Conversation 8 nóiméad – 120 marc | 8 minutes – 120 marks

  4. Sraith Pictiúr | Picture Sequence 4 nóiméad – 80 marc | 4 minutes – 80 marks

Is fiú a thabhairt faoi deara go bhfuil an chuid is mó de na marcanna sa chuid comhrá, mar sin ba chóir duit díriú go háirithe ar do scileanna cainte.

It is worth noting that the majority of the marks are awarded in the conversation section, so you should focus particularly on your speaking skills.

Conas Ullmhúchán a Dhéanamh? | How to Prepare?

  1. Labhair Gaeilge gach lá | Speak Irish every day

    Cleachtadh a dhéanann máistreacht. Déan iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt gach lá le cairde, le teaghlach nó fiú leat féin os comhair an scátháin. Practice makes perfect. Try to speak Irish every day with friends, family, or even by yourself in front of a mirror.

  2. Déan staidéar ar na sraith pictiúr | Study the picture sequences

    Tá 20 sraith pictiúr ann don scrúdú. Foghlaim stór focal agus abairtí úsáideacha do gach ceann acu.

    There are 20 picture sequences for the exam. Learn key vocabulary and useful phrases for each one.

    Seo sampla de scéal ón sraith pictiúr: Example from a picture sequence:

    Maidin Luain a bhí ann agus bhí Máire in oifig an ghairmthreoraí. It was Monday morning, and Máire was in the career guidance office.

  3. Cleachtaigh do fhilíocht | Practice your poetry Is féidir go mbeidh ort dán a léamh os ard. Bí cinnte go bhfuil fhoghraíocht agus tonúlacht agat, mar bíonn an scrúdaitheoir ag tabhairt aird ar sin.

    You may have to read a poem aloud. Make sure your pronunciation and tone are clear, as the examiner will be paying close attention to these aspects.

  4. Ullmhaigh do chomhrá | Prepare for the conversation

    Beidh an scrúdaitheoir ag cur ceisteanna ort faoi: The examiner will ask you questions about:

    • Tú féin agus do theaghlach | Yourself and your family

    • Do cheantar (baile beag, cathair, baile mór) | Your area (small town, city, large town)

    • An scoil | School

    • Caitheamh aimsire | Hobbies

    • Pleananna don todhchaí | Future plans

    Bí réidh le freagraí a thabhairt go nádúrtha agus go muiníneach.Be prepared to answer confidently and naturally.

  5. Bí muiníneach agus déan iarracht taitneamh a bhaint as | Be confident and try to enjoy it

    Má bhíonn tú neirbhíseach, glac anáil dhomhain agus labhair go soiléir.

    If you feel nervous, take a deep breath and speak clearly.

Leideanna Deireanacha | Final Tips

  • Bí eagraithe – déan plean staidéir. Be organised – make a study plan.

  • Cleachtaigh os ard agus bain úsáid as taifeadtaí chun do fhoghraíocht a fheabhsú. Practise out loud and use recordings to improve your pronunciation.

  • Más féidir, glac páirt i gciorcal cainte nó labhair le daoine eile trí Ghaeilge. If possible, join a conversation circle or speak Irish with others.

An scrúdú cainte – seans iontach marcanna maithe a fháil. The oral exam is a great opportunity to achieve high marks.

Tús maith leath na hoibre.

A good start is half the battle.


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