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Leaving Certificate Irish Oral Exam - Caillte sna Sléibhte

Updated: 4 days ago

Réamhrá | Introduction

Tá Caillte sna Sléibhte ina ábhar úsáideach don scrúdú béil san Ardteist, mar tá stór focal úsáideach ann agus scéal suimiúil ann a chabhróidh leat do scileanna teanga a fheabhsú. San alt seo, pléifimid an scéal, a thábhacht don scrúdú, agus cuirfimid ar fáil an t-aistriúchán Béarla le cabhrú leat é a thuiscint.

Caillte sna Sléibhte is a useful topic for the Leaving Cert oral exam, as it includes important vocabulary and an interesting story to help improve your language skills. In this article, we will discuss the story, its relevance to the exam, and provide an English translation to help you understand it.

Caillte sna Sléibhte – An Scéal | The Story

  1. Tús an Scéil | Beginning of the Story

 Bheartaigh grúpa déagóirí dul ag dreapadóireacht ar Chruach Phádraig. Bhí ceo trom timpeall orthu, agus bhí cuid acu buartha, ach lean siad ar aghaidh. Bhí an trealamh ceart acu, cosúil le málaí droma agus bataí siúil.

A group of teenagers decided to go hiking on Croagh Patrick. There was thick fog around them, and some were worried, but they continued. They had the right equipment, such as backpacks and walking sticks.

  1. Fadhb sa Scéal | Problem in the Story

 Tar éis tamaill, d’éirigh an ceo níos troime agus thit beirt bhuachaillí taobh thiar den ghrúpa. Ní raibh siad in ann aon rud a fheiceáil agus bhí eagla an domhain orthu.

After a while, the fog thickened, and two boys fell behind the group. They couldn’t see anything and were extremely frightened.

  1. Tarrtháil | Rescue

 Thuig an grúpa nach raibh na buachaillí ann agus chuir siad glaoch ar na seirbhísí éigeandála. Tar éis tamaill, tháinig héileacaptar agus tarrtháladh na buachaillí.

The group realized that the boys were missing and called emergency services. After a while, a helicopter arrived, and the boys were rescued.

  1. Críoch an Scéil | End of the Story

 Bhí áthas an domhain ar gach duine nuair a tháinig siad slán. Thuig siad an tábhacht a bhaineann le pleanáil roimh dhul ar thuras agus le bheith cúramach san aimsir ghéar.

Everyone was overjoyed when they arrived home safely. They understood the importance of planning before a trip and being cautious in harsh weather.

Cén Fáth a bhfuil an Scéal Seo Úsáideach don Scrúdú Béil? | Why is this Story Useful for the Oral Exam?

  • Líonadh folúntas i gcomhrá | Filling gaps in conversation – You can use this story when asked to describe an event.

  • Stór focal úsáideach | Useful vocabulary – Phrases like 'Bhí an ceo trom' (The fog was thick) and 'Chuir siad glaoch ar na seirbhísí éigeandála' (They called emergency services) will impress examiners.

  • Téama coitianta | Common theme – The story fits well with topics like nature, the weather, and holiday experiences.

Leideanna don Scrúdú | Tips for the Exam

  • Úsáid frásaí cosúil le 'Bhí eagla an domhain orainn!' (We were terrified!) agus 'Buíochas le Dia, tháinig cúnamh in am!' (Thank God, help arrived in time!).

  • Bí cinnte go bhfuil an scéal agat de ghlanmheabhair, ach go mbíonn tú in ann é a insint ar bhealach nádúrtha. (Make sure you know the story by heart, but that you are able to tell it in a natural way.)

Foclóir Úsáideach | Useful Vocabulary

  • Dreapadóireacht – Hiking

  • Ceo trom – Thick fog

  • Seirbhísí éigeandála – Emergency services

  • Bhí eagla an domhain orthu – They were terrified

  • Tarrtháil – Rescue

  • Héileacaptar – Helicopter

Conclúid | Conclusion

Is scéal simplí ach éifeachtach é Caillte sna Sléibhte a léiríonn scileanna insinte agus stór focal úsáideach don scrúdú béil. Cleachtaigh an scéal a insint, agus beidh tú ullmhaithe go maith don Ardteist.

Caillte sna Sléibhte is a simple but effective story that demonstrates storytelling skills and key vocabulary for the oral exam. Practice telling the story, and you will be well-prepared for the Leaving Cert.


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