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An Bhliain Seo Chugainn agus an Scrúdú Béil (Next Year and the Oral Exam)

An Scrúdú Béil sa Ghaeilge (The Irish Oral Exam)

Mar is eol do gach dalta, tá an scrúdú béil thar a bheith tábhachtach i scrúdú na hArdteistiméireachta. Cuireann sé 40% de na marcanna san áireamh agus tá trí phríomhchuid ann:

As every student knows, the oral exam is extremely important in the Leaving Cert. It accounts for 40% of the marks and consists of three main parts:

  1. Comhrá – 35 marc (Conversation – 35 marks)

  2. Sraith Pictiúr – 120 marc (Picture Sequence – 120 marks)

  3. Léamh na Filíochta – 5 marc (Poetry Reading – 5 marks)

Ceann de na hábhair chomhrá a thagann chun cinn go minic ná  An Bhliain Seo Chugainn– an todhchaí agus pleananna na ndaltaí tar éis na hArdteistiméireachta.

One of the common conversation topics is An Bhliain Seo Chugainn – the future and students' plans after the Leaving Cert.

An Bhliain Seo Chugainn – Ceist Choitianta sa Scrúdú Béil (Next Year – A Common Question in the Oral Exam)

Bíonn an scrúdaitheoir ag iarraidh eolas a fháil ar phleananna an dalta don todhchaí. Seo sampla de cheisteanna féideartha:

The examiner will want to know about the student's future plans. Here are some possible questions:

  • Cad atá i gceist agat a dhéanamh tar éis na hArdteistiméireachta?(What do you plan to do after the Leaving Cert?

  • An bhfuil tú ag dul ar aghaidh chuig an ollscoil? Cén cúrsa a roghnófá?(Are you going to university? What course would you choose?)

  • Cén fáth ar roghnaigh tú an cúrsa sin?(Why did you choose that course?)

  • An bhfuil plean agat dul thar lear nó fanacht in Éirinn?(Do you plan to go abroad or stay in Ireland?)

Samplaí Freagraí – Sample Answers

Má tá sé ar intinn agat freastal ar an ollscoil(If you plan to attend university)

An bhliain seo chugainn, tá sé ar intinn agam freastal ar Ollscoil Mhá Nuad don chúrsa gnó. Is aoibhinn liom gnó ar scoil agus is maith liom a bheith ag obair le huimhreacha. Chuir mé é mar an chéad rogha ar an bhfoirm CAO. Sílim go bhfuil timpeall ceithre chéad agus seachtó pointe ag teastáil don chúrsa, mar sin beidh orm a lán staidéir a dhéanamh.

Next year, I plan to attend Maynooth University for a business course. I love business in school, and I enjoy working with numbers. I put it as my first choice on the CAO form. I think around 470 points are needed for the course, so I will have to study a lot.

Má tá suim agat i dtaisteal nó ag dul thar lear (If you are interested in traveling or going abroad)

Ba mhaith liom dul chuig an ollscoil thar lear. B’fhearr liom Éire a fhágáil toisc go bhfuil sé níos éasca freastal ar an ollscoil in Albain. Ba mhian liom cúrsa síceolaíochta a dhéanamh in Ollscoil Dhún Éideann.

I would like to go to university abroad. I would prefer to leave Ireland because it is easier to attend university in Scotland. I would like to study psychology at the University of Edinburgh. I find psychology very interesting because you study the human mind. You also learn about emotions, behavior, and other fascinating topics.

Má tá suim agat i gcúrsaí sláinte (If you are interested in healthcare courses)

Ba mhaith liom staidéar a dhéanamh ar altranas péidiatraiceach. Ciallaíonn sé sin go mbeidh mé ag tabhairt aire do pháistí atá breoite. Rinne mé taithí oibre in ospidéal i dTamhlacht, agus thaitin sé go mór liom.

I would like to study pediatric nursing. This means that I will be caring for sick children. I did work experience in a hospital in Tallaght, and I really enjoyed it. I realized immediately that I was in the right profession. I like working with sick children because they are very brave and still manage to smile.


Leideanna don Scrúdú Béil (Tips for the Oral Exam)

  1. Déan cleachtadh ar na ceisteanna seo os ard. (Practice these questions out loud.)

  2. Déan iarracht freagraí nádúrtha a thabhairt seachas línte de ghlanmheabhair a aithris. (Try to give natural answers instead of memorizing lines.)

  3. Úsáid stór focal saibhir agus abairtí níos faide le pointí a mhíniú. (Use a rich vocabulary and longer sentences to explain your points.)

  4. Bí muiníneach – is comhrá é! (Be confident – it’s just a conversation!)

Conclúid (Conclusion)

An Bhliain Seo Chugainn ar cheann de na hábhair is tábhachtaí sa scrúdú béil Gaeilge. Cuirfidh sé ar chumas daltaí cur síos a dhéanamh ar a gcuid pleananna amach anseo agus pointí tábhachtacha a phlé le muinín. Le cleachtadh agus ullmhúchán ceart, is féidir le daltaí an chuid seo den scrúdú a dhéanamh go maith.

Next Year is one of the most important topics in the Irish oral exam. It allows students to describe their future plans and discuss key points with confidence. With practice and proper preparation, students can perform well in this part of the exam.

Go n-éirí go geal libh!

(Best of luck!)


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