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Leaving Certificate Irish Oral Exam - Samhradh Iontach

Updated: 3 days ago

Réamhrá – Introduction

Tá an tsraith pictiúr Samhradh Iontach ar cheann de na sraitheanna pictiúr atá tábhachtach don scrúdú cainte Gaeilge san Ardteist. Insíonn an tsraith seo scéal faoi bheirt chailíní agus an samhradh iontach a bhí acu. Tá an tsraith seo lán le stór focal úsáideach agus frásaí atá áisiúil don scrúdú.

The picture sequence Samhradh Iontach is one of the important picture series for the Irish oral exam in the Leaving Cert. This series tells the story of two girls and the wonderful summer they had. It is full of useful vocabulary and phrases that are helpful for the exam.

An Scéal – The Story

  1. Tús an tSamhraidh – The Start of Summer

Thosaigh an scéal nuair a tháinig laethanta saoire an tsamhraidh faoi dheireadh. Bhí Róisín agus Síle ag seasamh os comhair an tséipéil agus iad ag caint faoin samhradh amach rompu. Bhí an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch, agus bhí áthas an domhain orthu.

The story begins when the summer holidays finally arrive. Róisín and Síle are standing in front of a church, talking about the summer ahead. The sun is splitting the stones, and they are absolutely delighted.

  1. Ag Lorg Poist – Looking for Jobs

Chuaigh siad chuig óstán áitiúil agus d’iarr siad postanna samhraidh ar an mbainisteoir. Bhí an bainisteoir an-sásta leo agus thug sé poist dóibh mar ghlantóirí. Thosaigh siad ag obair láithreach, ag glanadh seomraí agus ag folúsghlanadh.

They went to a local hotel and asked the manager for summer jobs. The manager was very happy with them and gave them jobs as cleaners. They started working immediately, cleaning rooms and vacuuming.

  1. Turas go dtí an Iodáil – A Trip to Italy

Tar éis tamaill, bhí dóthain airgid acu chun dul ar laethanta saoire. Thaistil siad go dtí an Iodáil agus thug siad cuairt ar an gColasaem sa Róimh. Rinne siad siopadóireacht agus bhain siad an-taitneamh as an turas.

After a while, they had enough money to go on holidays. They traveled to Italy and visited the Colosseum in Rome. They went shopping and really enjoyed their trip.

  1. Cluiche Peile agus an Pictiúrlann – A Football Match and the Cinema

Tar éis dóibh teacht abhaile, d’imir siad cluiche peile leis an gclub áitiúil agus bhuaigh siad an chraobh. Bhí atmaisféar dochreidte ann. Níos déanaí, chuaigh siad chuig an bpictiúrlann le scannán grinn a fheiceáil.

After coming home, they played a football match with their local club and won the championship. The atmosphere was incredible. Later, they went to the cinema to watch a comedy movie.

  1. Obair Dheonach – Voluntary Work

Chinn na cailíní cabhrú le Cumann Naomh Uinseann de Pól. Thug siad bia agus éadaí do dhaoine gan dídean agus bhí na daoine an-bhuíoch.

The girls decided to help St. Vincent de Paul. They gave food and clothes to homeless people, who were very grateful.

  1. Ag Breathnú Siar – Looking Back

Ag deireadh an tsamhraidh, bhí siad an-bhródúil astu féin. Cheap siad gurbh é an samhradh ab fhearr a bhí acu riamh agus bhí siad ag tnúth go mór leis an mbliain seo chugainn.

At the end of the summer, they were very proud of themselves. They thought it was the best summer they ever had and were really looking forward to the following year.

Tábhacht an Scéil don Scrúdú Béil – The Importance of the Story for the Oral Exam

Cén fáth go bhfuil Samhradh Iontach tábhachtach don scrúdú? Why is Samhradh Iontach important for the exam?

  • Foclóir Úsáideach – Foghlaimeoidh tú go leor focal nua faoi laethanta saoire, obair, spórt, agus carthanacht.Useful Vocabulary – You will learn many new words about holidays, work, sport, and charity.

  • Struchtúr an Scéil – Is scéal soiléir é a leanann ord loighciúil ó thús go deireadh.Story Structure – It is a clear story that follows a logical sequence from start to finish.

  • Ceisteanna Coitianta – Sa scrúdú béil, iarrfaidh an scrúdaitheoir ort cur síos a dhéanamh ar an scéal agus freagraí a thabhairt ar cheisteanna faoi.Common Questions – In the oral exam, the examiner will ask you to describe the story and answer questions about it.

Leideanna le haghaidh an Scrúdú Béil – Tips for the Oral Exam

  • Bí muiníneach agus labhair go soiléir – Ná bí buartha faoi bheith foirfe, ach déan do dhícheall. Be confident and speak clearly – Don’t worry about being perfect, just do your best.

  • Foghlaim frásaí agus stór focal nua – Bain úsáid as focail mar laethanta saoire, ag taisteal, ag obair, ag siopadóireacht, cluiche peile, obair dheonach. Learn phrases and new vocabulary – Use words like holidays, traveling, working, shopping, football match, and volunteering.

  • Déan cleachtadh ar na ceisteanna coitianta – Seo roinnt ceisteanna a d’fhéadfadh a bheith le feiceáil: Practice common questions – Here are some questions that may appear:

    • Cén sórt aimsire a bhí ann i dtús an scéil? (What was the weather like at the

    • Cá bhfuair na cailíní poist? (Where did the girls get jobs?)

    • Cén chaoi ar chaith siad an t-airgead? (How did they spend their money?)

    • Cad a rinne siad tar éis dóibh teacht abhaile ón Iodáil? (What did they do after coming home from Italy?)

Conclúid – Conclusion

Is scéal taitneamhach agus furasta Samhradh Iontach atá lán le foclóir agus abairtí úsáideacha don Ardteist. Má dhéanann tú cleachtadh rialta air agus má fhoghlaimíonn tú na príomhphointí, beidh tú réidh chun dul i ngleic leis an scrúdú béil. Samhradh Iontach is an enjoyable and easy story filled with useful vocabulary and sentences for the Leaving Cert. If you practice it regularly and learn the key points, you will be ready to tackle the oral exam.

Ádh mór ort i do scrúdú.

Best of luck in your exam.


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